Compare dates and validate only the same year


Viewed 481 times


In my component p:calendar there are two date ranges dtInicial and dtFinal in the Managed bean I need to compare only the years and validate. If it is the same year, display the "ok" message. Otherwise, "different years".

private int getYear(Date date) {
    Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
    return calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);

    boolean hasInterval = sourceReq.getDtInicial() != null 
            && sourceReq.getDtInicial() != null;
    if (hasInterval){
        int dtIni = getYear(sourceReq.getDtInicial());
        int dtFin = getYear(sourceReq.getDtFinal());

        if (dtIni != dtFin){
            showErrorMessage("Favor informar o mesmo Ano para Pesquisa.", true);
            return false;

  • jsp? Can you add as is your code?

  • Poisé Marcos, checking your doubt I figured it would be jsp too.

  • are 2 <p:calendar> one for dtInitial and one for dtFinal?

  • if it is, this component of the first faces works with the class Date of the java.util package.

1 answer


what you could do was

SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy");
String dataInicial = formatter.format(dtInicial)
String dataFinal = formatter.format(dtFinal)
   //Coloque aqui sua mensagem de ok, já que os anos das duas datas são iguais
   //Coloque aqui seu tratamento para mensagem diferente

Explaining what I did:

first : I declared a Simpledateformat with Pattern("yyyy") to use the format() method, which receives a Date and returns a String with the value of the date passed in the last Pattern (in this case, only the year of the date. 'yyyy')

2nd : assigns the return of the format() method to the start and start date variables with their respective parameters.

: I did the test to see if these variables are equivalent or not, if they are, the years are equal, otherwise, they are not.

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