Standards for user authorization/permission


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There are other standards for user authorization/permission other than the Role-based access control standard implemented by Microsoft for technologies. NET?

2 answers


By Microsoft, there are basically 3 ways to design standard for permissions:

The most widespread pattern is the Role-Based, precisely because until the emergence of ASP.NET Identity the standard using up to MVC4 was the Membership and its variants (Simple Membership, Extended Membership, and so on).

The pattern Claims-Based emerged with ASP.NET Identity, in which the whole authentication structure was rethought, fragmenting to the maximum the identity of the user. A Claim (reinivindication, in free translation), it is a fraction of the user’s identity that contains an encrypted identification and access key. Through this, this permission fragment gives the user the right to claim access to a certain part of the system.

There is also this post very interesting which largely discusses the problems of the pattern Role-Based, and suggests an implementation Activity-Based, that would be a simplified variation of the standard Claims-Based.


That depends on the technology you’re using. If you are using MVC, I would recommend that you customize a class and specify roles, for example the Authorizeattribute(System.Web.Mvc).

This link explains right and has some examples:

Authorizeattribute Class

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