Add factors from a data frame?


Viewed 1,479 times


I have the following df:

Factor  Valor
  F1     1.224
  F1     1.533
  F1     0,77429
  F2     3.477
  F2     2.6767
  F3     0.557
  F3     1

How do I get the total values?

2 answers


To have the sum of a variable relative to the value of another factor variable in a data frame, there are ways. My favorite is using the package dplyr:

First construct the following data frame with variable factor:

df <- data.frame(
                letras = as.factor(sample(size = 10000, replace = TRUE ,x = letters)),
                valor = rnorm(10000))

Thus, grouping the data with the function dplyr::group_by I can summarize the data with summarise:

> df %>% 
    +   dplyr::group_by(letras) %>% 
    +   dplyr::summarise(soma_valor = sum(valor))
# A tibble: 26 x 2
    letras soma_valor
    <fctr>      <dbl>
1      a -13.947423
2      b -37.894710
3      c  -4.600648
4      d  50.555644
5      e  30.048488
6      f  -3.667602
7      g -19.215489
8      h   2.892579
9      i  31.189657
10     j  17.085478
# ... with 16 more rows

To learn more about dplyr and all tidyverse, read this link here


Luiz, for a Data Frame you can use the ColSums() to get the values in the tables.


or sum(dataFrame$Coluna)

and removing NA values sum(dataFrame$Coluna,na.rm=TRUE)

the [-1] ensures that the name of the column will not be counted.

Or for a more generic approach you can use

colSums(Filter(is.numeric, dataFrame$Coluna))

Note that you can get help on the console by typing ?sum or ?colSums


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