Error: Expected End of Statement


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I’m using SQL for a classic ASP page and in a part of the code I have this:

            If (opcao = 1) Then
        If credito > 0 Then
            SQL = "UPDATE FO_Passaportes SET creditoTotal = creditoTotal + " & credito & " WHERE IDPassaporte = " & IDPassaporte & ""
            SQL = "UPDATE FO_Passaportes SET creditoUsado = creditoUsado + " & Abs(credito) & " WHERE IDPassaporte = " & IDPassaporte & ""
        End If
        End If
        If (opcao = 2) Then
            SQL = "UPDATE FO_Passaportes SET creditoTotal = creditoTotal - " & Abs(credito) & " WHERE IDPassaporte = " & ID Passaporte & ""
        End If

When I run I’m getting the following error:

Microsoft Vbscript Compilation error '800a0401'

Expected end of statement

/GIP-Ep/Training/passports/passport.Sp, line 234

SQL = "UPDATE Fo_passports SET creditTotal = creditTotal - " & Abs(credit) & " WHERE Idpassport = " & ID Passport & ""----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^

The error is pointing to my last query:

        If (opcao = 2) Then
        SQL = "UPDATE FO_Passaportes SET creditoTotal = creditoTotal - " & Abs(credito) & " WHERE IDPassaporte = " & ID Passaporte & ""
    End If

What I’m doing wrong??

  • 1

    I don’t believe there’s that space in ID Passaporte

  • @You are right Thank you xD >.<

1 answer


There’s a space here ID Passaporte, right is IDPassaporte.

The code in general is confusing and can be simplified, which helps to identify more these problems.

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