PHP Fatal error: Call to Undefined Function phperror_reporting()


Viewed 375 times



On a particular project page is giving error:

PHP Fatal error: Call to Undefined Function phperror_reporting()

But the code is that way:


Why this error is happening if in the ATOM editor error_reporting(0) appears below the PHP tag?

  • 1

    What encoding does the ATOM show for the script? UTF-8/windows-1252?

  • Hello William, you are as Unicode(UTF-8)

  • 1

    But is UTF-8 with GOOD or without GOOD? Tried to erase the line break and add it again?

  • As I can’t see by ATOM, I opened Notepad++ and shows without BOM.

  • 1

    You tried to delete the line break and add it again and check if Opcache is active on your machine (in php.ini)?

  • I broke the line again and I’ll take a look at the link you gave me below.

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1 answer


Apparently PHP is not recognizing the line break and is merging




I recommend that you delete the line break and try to add it again, also check that Opcache or Xcache is not enabled on your machine: /a/166747/3635, this means that you may have fixed the problem, but the cache prevents seeing, if the cache is on the production server then do not wait a little that soon it will renew, the cache is very important for the performance of the site.

  • 1

    Hello William. I made your first suggestion to recreate the line break and it looks like it worked. Thanks for the help.

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