Golang language


Viewed 396 times


I’m entering the market now, and I’m doing an internship at a development company.

I have some questions about the language of Google, Golang (Go), are they:

  1. Is there anything ready regarding AES encryption and RSA for the Go language?

  2. There is a way to compress the data area in the Go language, without using Tazgz?

  3. Someone has already cached the Go language with REDIS?

  • 1

    > Has anyone ever cached the Go language with REDIS? I’ve already done it in some projects, it’s quite simple. I recommend using the library go-redis she is very quiet to use, has good documentation, and is one of the recommended by Redis himself :).

  • Take a look at the standard Crypto library. https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/. About compression, there is this https://github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata package that transforms any data type into binary and the https://golang.org/pkg/compress/

  • 1- I recently had a problem with how to generate rsa keys to be valid for validating with jwt. I got the result I wanted. Follow the project link. Heimdall

  • Hi, to cache with Redis you can use a ready Libreria of the creators of go-redis: https://github.com/go-redis/cache has the code of ejemplo in README.

2 answers


I can’t answer every question...

Is there anything ready regarding AES encryption and RSA for the Go language?

Yes, actually much more than just RSA and AES. But, about the AES it also supports AES-GCM, that is an AEAD, in addition to several other block cipher methods.

In short see this and this one which is complementary.

The latter adds support for Nacl, as a consequence it also allows to use chacha20poly1305, salsa20. Besides being able to use other things already ready, as openpgp and the tls.

Logically it also offers a CSPRNG. It also has several types of hashing algorithms (from MD4 to SHA-3 and BLAKE2), as well as support for key derivations (such as Bcrypt, Scrypt, PBKDF2, HKDF...).

An important point is that unfortunately most implementations are not Constant-time, this is mentioned publicly on the page. For this reason they cannot be considered safe in general. Moreover the RSA implementation supports PKCS#1 1.5, which is not good, but at least gives you the possibility to use OAEP.

If you want to go deeper and use some HSM or at least one Amazon KMS, it already offers support for the Golang.


Is there anything ready regarding AES encryption and RSA for the go language?

Yes, in relation to cryptography Golang is already equal with languages that are much longer in the market.

Follow an example print: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Source : golang.org

I recommend reading the documentation and any questions you have come back and create a question about.

There is a way to compress the data area in the Go language, without using Tazgz?

Yes, you can use: import "archive/zip

Someone has already cached the Go language with REDIS?

Sure enough, many use the library called Go-Redis.

Getting : go get -u github.com/go-redis/redis

Using: import "github.com/go-redis/redis"

Go-Redis Github

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