How to enter email and password inside Iframe input?


Viewed 173 times


I want to know how to insert a value inside the text field inside an Iframe.

For example, at this link, there is a simple login. In it, my boss asked me to do the iframe and leave everything typed automatically, only for him to click OK. Type an automatic login

How is the iframe:

<iframe id="cenofiscoFrame" src="" width="100%" height="600px" >

The only thing I need is someone to explain to me how to insert the text into the input inside the iframe!

Also no need to worry, this is a page only of it, no need to worry about containing visible "sensitive" information. If anyone has any valid idea can also speak!!!

  • But you want to take the values that were typed in the fields or you want to fill them automatically?

  • Automatically, type leaves a string there ready and only plays on the field within the iframe @Andersoncarloswoss

  • So you shouldn’t be assigning a value to value instead of getting them?

  • As well, can give a help am beginner @Andersoncarloswoss, as I attribute then?

  • I couldn’t simply reproduce what you want, but it would be something like conteudoIframe.Login.value = "admin".

  • Unfortunately, it hasn’t yet. Are you sure this way of the script I’m trying to make? @Andersoncarloswoss

  • @user74651 only your boss will use iframe?

  • Yes only he, is that he is lazy. Pq? @HENRIQUELOBO

  • @user74651 because it is not recommended to do this, zero security.

  • I put some other information in the question @Andersoncarloswoss

  • "You also don’t have to worry, this is a page only of his, you don’t have to worry because it contains "sensitive" visible information" @HENRIQUELOBO

  • 1

    I believe it is not possible, it is also not recommended @Andersoncarloswoss

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