Concatenate columns into a single Postgresql row


Viewed 6,147 times


I have a situation that would make it much easier. if I could return the data from a specific column in a single row:

For example:

Table A:

Codigo | Descricao
1      | Descricao 1
2      | Descricao 2
3      | Descricao 3

I would like to mount an sql that returns me in a single line like this:


Only the code column..

Someone has some idea of how it is possible to do this.. and whether it is possible?

2 answers


Use the function array_agg(expression):

Select array_agg(codigo) from tabela A

In the link you can see the postgresql documentation for more information.

  • 1

    Just to be documented, in case someone in Future looks for the same thing, I used a similar function..Select string_agg(cast(codigo as text),',') from tabelaA to return as a text, not an array (How array returns { } together). But your answer was of fundamental importance. Thank you very much



CREATE TABLE public.foobar
    Codigo BIGINT,
    Descricao TEXT


INSERT INTO public.foobar( Codigo, Descricao ) VALUES ( 1, 'Descricao 1' );
INSERT INTO public.foobar( Codigo, Descricao ) VALUES ( 2, 'Descricao 2' );
INSERT INTO public.foobar( Codigo, Descricao ) VALUES ( 3, 'Descricao 3' );


SELECT string_agg( Codigo::text, ',' ) FROM public.foobar;



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