Excel: Create scale with 2 known points


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I have a problem - q I believe to be much more mathematical than a formula in Excel.

I have a list with percentages of results and need to "scale" these values according to two known points.



and then all values between need to be staggered according to these two references.

I know that if it was only the Maximo value (or only the minimum) - a rule of three would be enough to scale everything.



then for 50% - in a rule of three - 91,67 points.

being the formula:

X = (99 x 50) / 54

my doubt is how to achieve scale if we have tb the MINIMUM VALUE..

for example



How many points are worth 42%? 23%?

I swear I’m burning the cuckoo.. kkkkk

thank you Daniel

  • Your question is confused, does 54% amount to 99 points? Set the context in which it fits and we can help you better :)

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    hi @Leandrofelipemoreira first, thanks for your help! the doubt is simple (the solution must be for those who understand mathematics) - I have a fixed scale of points ranging from 25 to 99 points. And I have a leverage index that ranges from 12 percent to 54 percent - that is - the lowest take-all on the list is 12 percent - the highest 54 percent. I need to match the two scales - for this I have these 2 comparison points - ie - 12% which is the minimum will receive on the point scale - 25 points q is the minimum there. Ja 54% that is the maximum take - receives 99 points.

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    There I need to convert all the values that are between 12-54% on the scale to receive the respective points (between 25-99 points). For example, at first I already know that 33% will amount to 62 points (pq is the MEDIAN value of each scale) - (54+12 = 66/2 = 33%) and (99+25 = 124/2 = 62 points). But for a 45% take - for example - qtos points I must assign proportionally in the point scale?

  • I answered down there, I didn’t put it in the formula, but I showed you how the calculus works.

2 answers


So you have two scales:


25 Pontos - 99 Pontos, sendo seu centro 66 Pontos e seu range 74 Pontos (99 - 25 = 74) inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


12% - 54 %, sendo seu centro 33% e seu range 42% (54 - 12 = 42) inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Now think about how much would 25% be on the point scale? We can’t just divide 62 (50%) by 2, the correct would be to take 62 - 25 = 37 and divide 37 / 2 - 18,5 and put on the scale would be:

25 + 18,5 = 43,5.

So far so good.

How much is 25% in the Points scale

We will use the Dots Range to simplify the 3 rule calculations.

(74 * 25) / 100 = 18,5 - Rule of 3 between 74 (range) 25 (porcentagem)

That one 18,5 represents when it must be added from the 25 Points to reach 25% within the scale, ie 43.5 Points.inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Calculating other values

Quanto 45% na escala de porcentagem reflete na de pontos.

First you convert 45% within your range, into the Range:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Make the rule of three:

(33 * 100) / 42 = 78,57

Having how much % equals within your range, you now transfer the % to the other range:

(74 * 78,57) / 100 = 58,14

As said up there, you add that up to the minimum value to hit within the scale. In this case 25 Pontos + 58,14 Pontos = 83,14 Pontos

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I guess that’s it. :)


I couldn’t quite understand your question, but from the looks of it, perhaps a plausible solution is to bring your values first to 0. Its minimum value currently is 25, if 25 is the minimum understand that would be 0%. Its maximum value currently is 99, if 99 is the maximum I understand that would be 100%. To facilitate the accounts you could set the minimum value as 0, so did: minimum - 25 = 0 maximum - 25 = 74

Subtract 25 of all values calculate the percentages, in the end you can do the inverse calculation by adding 25.

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