JAAS Authentication and Security with Multi Module


Viewed 99 times


I am working on an application with the following architecture:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

As you can see the system will have several modules.

In Project Portal I implemented JAAS, and I’m not able to maintain authentication when I enter another module within the system. How can I authenticate and log in to another application?

1 answer


Italo, this depends on how your application is configured, but in general ways a cookie with session user is saved and checked from time to time to ensure login before the time the session expires. From what I understand of your problem it will be necessary to do the session sharing or create another cookie for the transition of that information, also noting that some security standards must be met, as seen here on the Form Authentication part.


  • Matheus, I believe it is some configuration that I am not able to implement, in another Forum it was suggested to use Single Sign On (SSO). I found the following documentation: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19900-01/819-4734/beacq/index.html !

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