I am developing a webbrowser in UWP(windows universal application) using the C#language, to assign value to a text field that is in webview I used the following script:
string functionString = String.Format("document.getElementById('chatMessageSend').innerText = '{0}';", textbox.Text);
await Webview_uol.InvokeScriptAsync("eval", new string[] { functionString });
On the HTML page what I have is this:
<div id="chatMessageSend" data-joyride="data-joyride" ng-model="text" name="text" bp-textarea="bp-textarea" contenteditable="true" tabindex="1" class="ng-valid ng-dirty"></div>
But how the site uses NG-click()
If I’m not mistaken, I can’t give focus()
or even click()
in the text field. The field only validates to click if in fact I use the mouse, via code is not working, someone can help me with this?
The site is Uol chat, in particular this room: https://batepapo.uol.com.br/beta/Cidades-e-regi%C3%B5es/Cear%C3%A1/L/Limoeiro-do-Norte/Limoeiro-do-Norte-(2) after entering it my program has to send a message to the chat room, I can fill the field and until you click the button, but the message will not because you need some kind of validation that I have not been able to do yet...
Very difficult to try to reproduce this scenario, maybe if you inform the site and detail with images it would be less complicated to try to help.
– rubStackOverflow
The site is chat Uol, specifically this room: https://batepapo.uol.com.br/beta/Cidades-e-regi%C3%B5es/Cear%C3%A1/L/Limoeiro-do-Norte/Limoeiro-do-Norte-(2) after entering my program you must send a message to the chat room, I can already fill the field and even click the button, but the message will not because it needs some kind of validation that I could not do yet.,,
– Antonio Marques