Comsumir Web service in SOAP with large volume of data, TIME OUT


Viewed 129 times


I need to take a lot of data from a web service in SOAP, but depending on the query the server does not hold, I have seen in some articles, that this can be solved by compression of xml or sending in parts, but I did not find examples.

I tried to loop and chain the requests for each record, but it didn’t work, it understands as if it was just a request.

foreach ($this->vg['marcas'] as $key => $value) {

  $xmlr = new SimpleXMLElement('<CustumeSearch></CustumeSearch>');

  $paramsSoap = array(

    'categoria' => $tipoDados['nome'],

    'idMarca' => $key,

    'idModelo' => 0,

    'HashSeguranca' => 'xxxx'

  // Looping responsavel por adicionar propriedade e valores ao XML exemplo (codigoAnuncio => 292)
foreach($paramsSoap as $key => $value) {

    $xmlr->addChild($key, $value);


    $marcas = $this->vg['soap']->__soapCall(
        "RetornarVersoes" ,
    ); ...

Fatal error: Uncaught Soapfault Exception: [Soap:Server] System.Web.Services.Protocols.Soapexception: Server was Unable to process request.

1 answer


Is the webservice outside or is it yours? If it’s from the outside, you don’t have control over it, but instead of having a giant loop, you can have 2 or 3 starting from different places, one at index= 0 another at index = 10000 and you make a request for each of them and in the end you aggregate the answers in an array or something.

  • Good alternative, I will try, but I do not know if it will work because every time the index of looping alternates I restart the SOAP connection, and still not right.

  • You have to have a "shared memory" that is fixed, global variables that you change, that are in another file or something

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