I have an application in Windows Forms and several work areas and I need to open a window in all these areas, I already searched the internet and found https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31801402/api-for-windows-10-virtual-desktops and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32416843/altering-win10-virtual-desktop-behavior/32417530#32417530 but in no explains how to open a Form on all desktop, how do I open a window on each desktop open?
- It is to open a new Form on each Desktop.
is a form, which occupies all work areas, with multiple monitors, or multiple Forms, one for each work area ? Or, you use that software that creates multiple desktops on the same monitor, similar to linux ?
– Rovann Linhalis
I changed the question, check @Rovannlinhalis
– Márcio Eric
has a look at this publication: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33548454/perisistant-window-across-multiple-windows-10-virtual-desktops
– Rovann Linhalis
@Rovannlinhalis I couldn’t only understand what she meant by 'The Dispatcher.Invoke is necessary because the Event is on a Different thread then the UI one, so the call must be marshaled to the UI thread.'
– Márcio Eric
the event triggered is in a different thread from the user interface, so the need for the Invoke method
– Rovann Linhalis