I cannot install the System.Objectmodel reference in the Android Project


Viewed 79 times


I picked up a reference error in my project The referenced component 'System.ObjectModel' could not be found.. Well, I searched and installed the reference to that path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0\Facades\System.ObjectModel.dll. Well, when I finished installing, without doing anything, this error appeared:

Project App2.Android cannot build using Android 7.1 (API Level 25 - Nougat) because Android SDK Platform for API Level 25 is not installed. Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools->Android->Android SDK Manager...) , or change your Xamarin.Android project to target an API version that is installed.

And just below, saying that the reference was not found(recem installed).

The referenced 'System.Objectmodel' could not be found. App2.Android

I’m researching and I haven’t found anything yet. Has anyone gone through this and could you share? I will install the android 7.1, but what I find more strange is not finding the reference.

Edit 1

Well, I uninstalled the reference(dll) and reinstalled it and nothing, it continues with that yellow exclamation. I removed again and got a link on the internet that recommends doing the installation, via Nuget. I did and now the reference does not appear in the reference list and when I rotate, continues with deploy error, but the Warning that the reference was not found, disappeared, but is without the said whose reference. The version by Nuget is the 4.3.0 and I don’t know the impact of it. This is the message that gives output:

1>Starting deploy Visualstudio_android-23_x86_phone ...
1>Starting Visualstudio_android-23_x86_phone ...
1>C: PROGRA~2 Android ANDROI~1 tools Emulator.EXE -Partition-size 512 -no-boot-anim -Avd Visualstudio_android-23_x86_phone -prop monodroid.avdname=Visualstudio_android-23_x86_phone

1>Emulator Visualstudio_android-23_x86_phone cannot be Started.

========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

  • I gave a clean on Solution and it seems that solved the problems, but only after I clean the Solution it worked.

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