best way to create a video gallery


Viewed 843 times


I am studying PHP, HTML 5 and CSS.

I would like to know what is the best way to create a kind of gallery or video grid well organized and what is the best language for it.

  • 2

    So a hint would be you come up with questions about the code, example: You have an X script that was supposed to add numbers but there’s some mistake that you can’t see. Here you come ask for help for a possible solution .

  • Slideshow of this site OU Image gallery of this site OR of this site

  • It depends on your taste and resources of your current hosting (it will need to have PHP installed and configured if you want to use next to a database such as interaction of entries with mysqli), you can do this using PHP, HTML 5 and CSS or only HTML, CSS and Jquery, to give a special "charm" use jQuery since it has some nice effects. Here are some very attractive jquery examples:

1 answer


You could use the CSS of Bootstrap organizing videos within classes as "col-Md-6" you can place two videos side by side in two Divs using this class.

  • Could put a basic example, would be good.

  • Sorry @Everson, I thought it would be more practical and less flawed to pass it on to him, I’m new too and recently researched on and used Bootstrap, so I just passed the link

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