Jquery function does not find the Controller when I go up to the server


Viewed 314 times


During development the function below finds the Control and makes the request correctly, but after publishing on the server the function no longer finds the Controller:

During the development I have to leave it like this:

url: "/Controller/Action",

When I go up to the server I have to change it and leave it like this:

url: "/MeuSite/Controller/Action",

function carregaComboEmpresa() {
        //url: "/MeuSite/Controller/Action",       
        url: "/Controller/Action",
        type: "post",
        dataType: "json",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        processData: false,
        data: null,
        success: function (data) {          
        error: function (result) {

3 answers


It’s a bad idea to use it this way.

There are already solutions for this, use Url.Action

function carregaComboEmpresa() {
        url: '@Url.Action("Action", "Controller")',
        type: "post",
        dataType: "json",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        processData: false,
        data: null,
        success: function (data) {          
        error: function (result) {
  • OK @LINK worked thanks, but a small fix is the syntax '@Url.Action("Action","Controller")'

  • True, @Front Thanks for warning.


It happens because you are calling your url with an absolute path (because it starts with /). there are 2 simple ways to avoid this:

make your development environment have the same structure as your production environment, in case if you are using a MAMP or similar, just put your entire project inside a directory called MeuSite and point the server to the directory containing MeuSite.

another way is to use a relative url, which would depend on where your file .js se encontra, for example


Which indicates that the Url should go down 1 level and enter the Controller directory. This will work for you .js is in


for example.


This is because the paths to the application on the server and in your debugging environment (debug) are different, as you yourself made clear in the question.

When you make a request to your controller via Javascript, you need to get the correct address. My suggestion is the following, in two parts:

  • On each page of the system, you put an input with the correct application path. To not replicate code, you can put this once in your _layout.cshtml:
<input type="hidden" id="caminho" value="@Url.Content("~/")" />

That one @Url.Content("~/"), when interpreted by Razor, returns the path to the root of your application, complete. Worth testing and checking.

  • When calling the controller via Javascript, your URL looks like this:
var url = $("#caminho").val() + "controller/action"; // o caminho já inclui um "/".

Then you can use the variable url as the path to an ajax request, i.e.:

    url: url,
    type: "post"
    // etc., etc.

By doing so, you don’t need to mix Razor code with Javascript code.

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