Fire automated e-mail at a certain time with java


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My system has the part of dental consultations and I need to send email to the client, if your consultation is on that day.

For example: Run an automatic e-mail trigger at midnight every day. This email trigger will check if you have queries that day and if you have, will send the email.

How do I run this check with java?

  • Your question is to check or to schedule the execution of a code? In the first case, you need to know your data model. In the second, varies operating system, you need to inform.

  • I want to schedule the execution of query check. Midnight run a method that checks for queries that day.

  • So which operating system??

  • It is Windows :D

  • There are two ways of scheduling, "Jobs", in java applications, there is a post in this link that will surely guide you.

  • Another option would be to use the EJB to make the scheduling in the java itself, in the same method you could do the checking you wanted.

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1 answer


There are task scheduling frameworks, however to just run a daily script you can use much simpler solutions. The operating systems have a task scheduler: in linux has the cron, in windows has the Agendador de Tarefas (less creative name, by the way).

Basically you create a program in java that when running sends the emails with the queries, without worrying about the time. To schedule, you create a script like this:

@echo off
REM run the program
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\Users\User1    \Documents\project\emailConsulta.jar"

Then, just create a task in the Windows Task Scheduler, accessed with Win+R > type "Taskschd.Msc" > Enter. There you control on which days of the week it will run, at what time, among other options.

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