How to select this piece of text in Regex


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I have the following text example: Test. Test 1. Testing

1. Testing

I would like to select the 1. of all but until the test. I used the following regex: ([0-9]. ) the problem is that in the first line it selects the 1. in the Teste1. and I would like you to select until you start the first letter. Could you help me with this?

Thank you in advance!


Selecting everything in front of the last 1. also helps. These numbers are the levels of a tree and would like to remove only them keeping the rest of the text

  • 1

    Using some programming language or just a text editor?

  • I’m using Delphi, but in this case it’s only for text even by the Regex of Delphi

  • @Matheusmachado rray question is why every regex engine has its peculiarities

3 answers


If I understand correctly you want to filter a part of the content and want to replace it.

So even if there is something else you want it will always be something like : Testing.
1.1. Testing.
1. Testing.

Still commented on tree, in this case there may be other indices as : Test.
26.0.177. Test.

But you want to remove the contents by keeping only the text.


pattern : /(\d+\.)+ (\w)/g
replace : $2


  • (\d+\.)+ - This part takes care of the indexes, as is a group with +, it will repeated the possibility of the group as much as it can, being at least 1.
  • - Literal space (I believe after the index you have a spacing)
  • (\w) - Group 2, REGEX limit to know when the text started.

The replace replaces everything that was captured.

  • $2 - replaces the entire sentence with the character captured in group 2.

See working in REGEX101.


Dude, run through the lines and apply:


This regex removes what you want... only it has to be rotated line by line, with a FOR or WHILE and giving a replace of the value found by ''.

If you prefer, you can use the regex below and replace it with a line break ( n):

  • I don’t understand, I could explain better the solution?

  • I updated the answer

  • Thank you so much! That’s exactly what I wanted "^\s[0-9.]\s*"**


I recommend making regular expressions always gradually, by parts. Look how I built a expression to validate emails.

Come on, get the more general:


Here we marry everything, so let’s filter. It is necessary to pick from the beginning, so we can put the anchor ^ soon:


Hmmm, you also said you want everything until you start the first letter... so we can marry anything but letters, how about? We’ll use the denied list for that:


Well, let’s just make sure it goes to one letter? We will use the list for this, and we can also group for a possible text substitution in the future:


Ok, now we have the desired text in the grouping recognized by the rear view mirror \1 =D

More about regex see Quick Regular Expression Query Guide of Aurelio Verde.

  • Who voted negative could justify what I answered wrong?

  • 1

    I do not know why they voted negative, but although not what I wanted it helped me to think better the next time I need to use regex, thank you!

  • @Matheusmachado, I was happy and sad for your answer. Happy to have helped you think better in regex, sad not to answer what you wanted. I will try to improve on the next =)

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