Login Asp.net redirecting to PHP page


Viewed 35 times


I was wondering if it is possible to log in to Asp.net that redirects to a PHP page. If possible what is the best way to check the logged in user? Session? Cookie?

  • Have you thought about using JWT ?

  • I didn’t think... I actually need to do a project for my course (CTI), and I have to use both languages in one project (PHP and Asp.net C#) so I just wanted to log in to Asp.net but something very simple... so I thought I’d use Session or Cookie or other way, but I don’t know how best to do it

  • Only the login would be in Asp.net then would redirect to a page in PHP, but I have to check the user logged in a Session for example, but would be from one language to another...

  • so I gave you a solution that would be the jwt where you pass everything by token

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