Automatic punctuation in the lines of a Multiline Textbox


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i need help, it’s like, I have to record the data from a Multiline Textbox to a Database, which is already working, but I have to do an automatic punctuation in that information that was entered by the user, I’ll give an example :

        Isto é a primeira frase; 
        Isto é a segunda frase; 
        Isto é a última frase.

The last sentence will always have to contain a "." and the sentences above that will have to contain a ";", has to be done automatically, in case the user forgets, because this information, will be later exported to a Word document and has to contain this punctuation.

How do I get the program to do it automatically ?

3 answers


If it is at runtime, you will have to search for javascript, then I can’t help you much, however, if it is only at the time of insert, you can execute the command replace, changing the line break characters.

Ex: If the content is in HTML:


If the string is 'normal' inside the string:



To ensure that there will be the ";" I would do the following::

Texto.replace(";", "").replace("\n", ";\n");

And for the "." I would do:

Texto.replace(".", "");
Texto.Insert(Texto.Length, ".")


You can use regex and replace

string pattern = @"\s+\n";
string input = @"Isto é a primeira frase 
Isto é a segunda frase  
Isto é a última frase";


Isto é a primeira frase;
Isto é a segunda frase;
Isto é a última frase.

See working in .Netfiddle

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