Removal of string in script


Viewed 36 times


To edit this file and remove any incidence of [[*m as I edit sed? The incidences are marked in bold.

sed’s/ [[*m//g' file

The backup routine is still running on the server!

The backup process began at 15:19:28 EDT and is currently on account **^[[1;33m0^[[0;00m** out of **^[[1;33m5** **^[[97m(0%)^[[0;00m**

Time since backups started: 00:00:05

Currently there are **^[[1;33m0^[[0;00m** accounts being excluded from backups.
To watch the log, use this command: **^[[97m**tail -f /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup/1497899968.log**^[[0;00m**

To check for backup duration history run: ^[[1;32m bash <(curl -ks scriptorigem) ^[[0;00m

2 answers


Apparently, the occurrences you want to filter are ANSI exhaust sequences.

In this case, you can use a utility called ansifilter to solve your problem:

$ ansifilter -i entrada.txt -o saida.txt

Alternatively you can use the utility sed to remove the escape sequences \x1b:

$ sed 's/\x1b//g' entrada.txt


with a sed-only command you can remove all escape sequences from the terminal as follows:

sed 's/\^\[\[[^m]\+m//g' <seu_arquivo>

in sed, characters that have meaning in Regular Expressions need to be escaped (^, [ and +).

  • It seems that these characters shown in the output have to do with escape, as Lacobus' reply makes very clear.

  • 1

    They are in fact ANSI escape sequences for the terminals as it was by @Lacobus. I would bet that the backup system that OP quoted expected this output to be directed to a terminal (STDOUT or STDERR) and not a file.

  • it is. My experience is that it ends up not being filtered by the text it displays, the text that marries with its regex, but I’m not sure

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