Display notification div with JAVASCRIPT audio


Viewed 342 times


So, I made a code with jquery that after 8 seconds of open index page displays an audio message div.

$(document).ready(function () {
    // Mostra a div após 8 segundos
    setTimeout(function() {
        $('.informativo').show().append('<embed src="<?php echo $address ?>sound.mp3" autostart="true" hidden="true" loop="false">');
        // Esconde a div após 8 segundos
        setInterval(function () {
        }, 8000);
    }, 4000);        

<div class="informativo">
    <p>Mensagem de alerta com audio</p>

But I’m having a problem that if I open this index page and change tab, the div appears in the normal index tab, but the audio only runs when I go back to index!

I wanted the audio in the embed to actually run, me being in another tab!

  • You can post the complete code with the relative HTML so we can test?

  • In fact if the audio is already running and change tab it will continue running.

  • I posted the necessary HTML

  • @Leocaracciolo so the sound is really fast! after 8 seconds it appears with the div and if I open the page and change tab before 8 seconds, it does not play! It only rings when I return to the system tab

  • This, but if it is already running, it will continue running regardless of which page you are browsing since q vc does not close the audio tab

  • Guy really your code there is no mistake! Here mine does not work the way

  • Take the source code of the page

  • I just put the audio URL in your code

  • Strange too dude, I’ll try to clear my cache! To see if it helps anything!

  • which browser?

  • Chrome and updated!

  • Instead of using setTimeout(), Try replacing delay with delay: $('.informativo').show().apped('...').delay(8000);, this way you will shoot the waiting for the event right at the beginning, this setInterval() will be repeating itself eternally while the tab is open every 8 seconds, was that right? The audio will only stop if you close the tab.

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The code is being used in PHP, would be index.php, configure a JS file that has PHP and call it in the index header;

 <embed src="<?php echo $address ?>sound.mp3" autostart="true" hidden="true" loop="false">

When you leave the index.php the other page can’t locate the music directory because you might have put the code only on one page.

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