How to clone a dynamically created element with jquery?


Viewed 188 times


I need help cloning an already created element dynamically with Jquery and adding +1 in value and element name.

else if(valorSelect == 'listaSuspensa'){
'<div class="divListaSuspensa">'+
'<div class="NomearOpcaoLS">'+

  '<li><input class="w3-
   input w3-left" type="text" name="txtMultiplaEscolha" value="Opção 1" 
  '<a id="id_ExcluirRespostaLS" class="excluirLS w3-
   right w3-bar-item w3-button w3-right" style="color: grey;"><i 

  '<li><a class="AddQtdLS">Adicionar opção</a></li>'+



The element I would like to clone is the first 'li', and add just below.

  • $('.Nameopleols > li:first-Child'). clone(). appendTo('.Nameopleols'); $('.Nameopleols > li:last-Child > input'). attr('id', 'Newid'). val('XYZ');

  • It worked, only in case I’ll have other Divs with the same elements then how do I clone only in the div that I am?

1 answer


Well, if I was going to need a constant html and change only a few values, I would use a "template" or static html. Something like:

html = '<li>';
html += '<input class="w3-input w3-left" type="text" name="txtMultiplaEscolha" value="!value" style="width:90%">';
html += '<a id="id_ExcluirRespostaLS" class="excluirLS w3-right w3-bar-item w3-button w3-right" style="color: grey;">';
html += '<i class="material-icons">close</i>';
html += '</a>';
html += '</li>';

$(".ul-append").append(html.replace("!value", "Opção 1"));
$(".ul-append").append(html.replace("!value", "Opção 2"));

Because you are already mounting your li no js same, so no problem assign to a variable to then use the same structure, no?

But if you wanted to clone an element that would already be rendered, we assume:

<div class='div-para-clonar'><p>Div para clonar </p></div>

Could use:

var cloneDaDiv = $(".div-para-clonar").clone();

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