Error with $_GET function


Viewed 298 times


Personal my question is the following, I have the page criareditarevento.php that updates information from a registration system, but I need to make the update message open inside the page main.php which is the page where the switch ($_GET['pag']) pattern.


$sqlcontent = mysql_query("select * from usr_config");
$content = mysql_fetch_array($sqlcontent);
if(!isset($_SESSION[usr_name]) || empty($_SESSION[usr_name]) || !isset($_SESSION[usr_level]) || empty($_SESSION[usr_level]))
<div align="center">
 <font face="verdana" size="2" color="#000">Você precisa estar logado para visualizar essa página...</font>

$update = clean($_GET[update]);
$getprof = mysql_query("select * from usr_users where username = '$_SESSION[usr_name]'");
$teste = mysql_query("select * from usr_users where username = '$_SESSION[usr_name]'");
$prof = mysql_fetch_array($getprof);

<? if(!$update) { ?>
<form action="criareditarevento.php?update=update" method="post">
<font color="#FFFFFF">
<b><u><font size="1">Sua Conta</font></u></b><font size="1"><br />
<font color="#000000"><br />
Nome: <? echo("<b>$_SESSION[usr_name]</b>");?><br />
<br />
Email:<br />
</font></font></font><font color="#000000" size="1" face="Verdana">
<input class="subbutton" name="email" type="text" value="<? echo("$prof[email]");?>" size="40"?>
</font><font size="1" color="#000000"><br />
Site/Blog:<br />
</font><font color="#000000" size="1" face="Verdana">
<input class="subbutton" name="avator" type="text" value="<? echo("$prof[avator]");?>" size="50"?>
</font><font size="1" color="#000000"><br>
Hobbie:<br />
</font><font color="#000000" size="1" face="Verdana">
<input class="subbutton" name="hobbie" type="text" value="<? echo("$prof[hobbie]");?>" size="50"?>
</font><font size="1" color="#000000"><br />
<br />
<u><b>Trocar senha</b></u><br />
<em>Se não quiser trocar a Senha, Não 
preencha os Campos Abaixo</em><br />
<br />
Atual Senha:<br />
</font><font color="#000000" size="1" face="Verdana">
<input class="subbutton" name="oldpw" type="password" size="30" />
</font><font size="1" color="#000000">
<br />
Nova Senha:<br />
</font><font color="#000000" size="1" face="Verdana">
<input class="subbutton" name="new1" type="password" size="30" />
</font><font size="1" color="#000000">
<br />
Repetir Nova Senha:<br />
</font><font color="#000000" size="1" face="Verdana">
<input class="subbutton" name="new2" type="password" size="30" />
</font><font size="1" color="#000000">
<br />
<br />
</font><font color="#000000" size="1" face="Verdana">
<input class="subbutton" type="submit" value="Atualizar" />

<font size="1" color="#000000">
<? }

$email = clean($_POST[email]);
$avator = clean($_POST[avator]);
$hobbie = clean($_POST[hobbie]);
$updateemail = mysql_query("update usr_users set email = '$email', avator = '$avator', hobbie = '$hobbie' where username = '$_SESSION[usr_name]'");
$oldpw = clean($_POST[oldpw]);
$new1 = clean($_POST[new1]);
$new2 = clean($_POST[new2]);
$checkpass = md5($oldpw);
$check2 = mysql_query("select * from usr_users where password = '$checkpass' and username = '$_SESSION[usr_name]'");
$check = mysql_num_rows($check2);
$password = md5($new1);
$updatepass = mysql_query("update usr_users set password = '$password' where username = '$_SESSION[usr_name]'");
echo("Your password has been updated!<br />");
else echo("The two passwords do not match!");
else echo("The password you entered does not match your current password.");
echo("Your Preferences have been updated!");
} ?>
</font><font size="1" color="#FFFFFF">  </font>


     switch ($_GET['pag'])
        case "criareditarevento": include("criareditarevento.php"); break;
        case "teste2": include("teste2.php"); break;
        case "desconectar": include("desconectar.php"); break;
                   default: include("principal.php"); break;


Waiting for help :D

  • It is unclear what you want to do. the main.php page will be called after the update?

  • 1

    Try to change <form action="criareditarevento.php?update=update" method="post"> for <form action="main.php?page=criareditarevento&update=update" method="post">

  • > Thanks <b>Alisson Acioli</b>, it worked :D

2 answers


I think the mistake is just this:


Change to:

elseif($update == "update")

Something else extremely important:

  • Do not use short tags = <? echo 'bla' ?>. Search the internet, there are several reasons.
  • Do not execute instructions directly in the bank through your view. NEVER!
  • Idente your code
  • Look at the security of your code, there’s no such thing
  • Try to use a light and simpler framework in your projects, at least to understand how everything works and then if you want to "create yours" (I do not recommend... it is much more feasible to use a framework and adapt it to your work, than to reinvent the wheel).

I say this only to add greater value to your code (and to you).

  • Thanks for the tips.

  • Don’t forget to mark which user response solved your problem.


In the form action, you are using the get "update" variable. On your switch, you check the "pag" variable and its value is update.

Change the form action to:

editarevento.php? pag=creatediarevento

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