Xamarin Forms change commit


Viewed 60 times


Every time I change or create a new file in my project in Xamarin Forms and do Clear and Rebuild in the project, it generates files in the debug folder, and at the time of committing to the repository I have to upload these debug files.

How to skip these files to only upload what I have changed or actually created?

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  • What is the versioning system?

  • @LINQ print window tab calls unstaged files, I think it’s git!

  • 1

    It makes sense, @Igorventurelli. By qqr way, I already voted for your xd reply I just think it’s good to remember the AP that it will need to remove the files from the Repo. Now that they’ve already been added, it’s no use just putting in gitignore

  • @LINQ Boa! Edited answer =) Thanks!

1 answer


This has nothing to do with Xamarin or . NET.

This is directly related to your source code versioner.

I believe you’re using git, right?

There is a file called .gitignore which is in your local repository. There you can inform which files and folders should be ignored.

If you have already committed the files and folders that you do not want to commit you need to remove them from the repository. The fact that you include in .gitignore will not remove them from there. That one and that one question are also answered on how to remove files from the repository.

See more about ignoring files in git and how to mount your .gitignore here.

  • 1

    Igor, if you find it interesting to link, have these two questions here on the website that talk about removing files from the https://answall.com/q/193854/18246 and https://answall.com/q/204511/18246

  • 1

    Thank you, that was the problem.

  • Show @LINQ! Reply edited.

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