Javascript DOM Parser incompatible with Document?


Viewed 86 times


My idea with the DOM Parser was to load HTML layouts, place them in a single element, and then use them when necessary. But in tests, the object generated by DOMParser not added to Document. See the example I did in Jsfiddle:


<div id="resHtml">
<div id="resDOM">
<div id="resXML">


var txt = '<fieldset><legend>Em texto HTML</legend><p>Alguma coisa a dizer</p></fieldset>';
document.getElementById("resHtml").innerHTML = txt;
// Simples, mas aí tenho que já ter em texto, e não dentro de um XML.
var domDoc = document.createElement('fieldset');
var domLegend = document.createElement('legend');
domLegend.innerHTML = 'Em DOM';
var domTexto = document.createElement('p');
domTexto.innerHTML = 'Alguma coisa a dizer';
// Esse é construído peça por peça, não serve, mas ilustra o appendChild
var str = '<fieldset><legend>Em XML</legend><p>Alguma coisa a dizer</p></fieldset>';
var parser = new DOMParser();
var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(str,"text/xml");
//document.getElementById("resXML").appendChild(xmlDoc); NÃO FUNCIONA!
// É um exemplo simples, mas posso ter por exemplo uma coleção de formulários em um XML e pegar só que eu preciso adicionando por appendChild.
// Mas não funciona, então é o seguinte...
document.getElementById("resXML").innerHTML = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(xmlDoc);

At the end, I have to serialize, which can even slow down a page, depending on the trouble.

On MDN Mozilla (Reference) it is as experimental, so my question is the following: this API will someday be compatible, we must invest in it, or there is a fundamental difference between the objects that we will always have in mind?

  • 1

    Try . appendchild(xmlDoc.documentElement)

  • Appears only the texts, without the tags - raw text. But worth the guess, already something...

  • Explains a little better how you want to use this XML in real life.

  • For example: I’m developing a website that uses multiple forms. I diagram them all on a separate page, identifying by ID or even by name. Then I load the page into a variable via xmlhttprequest and look for the form I need within this variable as needed - the forms are all available. Better than a page for each one that has to load every time it needs.

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