C# - Is it possible to place a Scrollbar inside a Menustrip through the code, without touching the design?


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I am using Windows Forms and created a menu with many items:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In order to view all the items I have to use these arrows that are on the menu ends. I wish I could add a Scrollbar or something to view the items more easily.

I don’t know if it’s possible to do this directly through the code, but if anyone knows, I’d appreciate it.

  • 1

    would not be the case to create sub-items ?

  • I do not know if you have how to do what you ask, but for the sake of usability, this very confusing menu, I suggest grouping them, by one or more of the following forms, category, function, use, etc. If possible still, separates by more menus.

  • There is an answer in Soen, with this theme, look: Mouse wheel scrolling Toolstrip menu items

  • 1

    Thank you very much, I will try to reset the menu. It would really be better for me to be able to leave it this way, but if there is no way, I will do it.

  • See if that help you.

  • To have a Scroll even, I believe only using another Form

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