How to perform mock in a class?


Viewed 353 times


I created this script for testing purposes, and I have a class Calculadora which takes a class instance as a parameter Operacao, when performing the unit test passing the class the test occurs successfully.

But when replacing the class Operacao by a mock get an error stating that the class is not of the desired type. How to pass one mock of that class?



namespace Application;
use Application\operacao;

class Calculadora
    private $num;
    private $num2;
    private $operacao;
    private $resul; 

    public function __construct(operacao $operacao, int $num, int $num2)
        $this->operacao = $operacao;
        $this->num  = $num;
        $this->num2 = $num2;

    public function Somar()
        return $this->num + $this->num2;


php operation.

namespace Application;

class operacao

    private $operacao;

    public function __construct(String $opc)
        $this->operacao = $opc;

    public function getOperacao()
        return $this->operacao;


use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase as PHPUnit;
use Application\Calculadora;

use Application\operacao;

class PHPTest extends PHPUnit

    public function setUp()
        $this->opc = $this->getMockBuilder('operacao')
        //$this->opc = new operacao('Soma');
        $this->Calculadora = new Calculadora($this->opc, 1 , 2);

    public function tearDown()


    public function testOperacaoMatematica()
        $this->assertEquals(3, $this->Calculadora->Somar());

Even after making the changes the following occurred :inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I made a minimal example take a look @David

1 answer


It lacked calling the method ->getMock();, as specified in this tutorial link.


$opc = "string";
$this->opc = $this->getMockBuilder('operacao')

$this->Calculadora = new Calculadora($this->opc, 1 , 2);

Minimal Example:


<?php namespace Application;

class operacao
    private $operacao;
    public function __construct(string $opc)
        $this->operacao = $opc;

    public function getOperacao()
        return $this->operacao;

<?php namespace Application;

class calculadora
    private $operacao;
    public function __construct(operacao $operacao)
        $this->operacao = $operacao;
    public function somar(int $num1, int $num2): int
        return ($num1 + $num2);
    public function subtrair(int $num1, int $num2): int
        return ($num1 - $num2);

Test class:


require "vendor/autoload.php";
require "t1.php";
require "t2.php";

class PHPTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
    protected $calculadora;
    protected $opc;

    public function setUp()
        $this->opc = $this->getMockBuilder(\Application\operacao::class)

        $this->calculadora = $this->getMockBuilder(\Application\calculadora::class)


    public function tearDown()

    public function testOperacaoMatematicaSomaEquals()
        $this->assertEquals(4, $this->calculadora->somar(2,2));

    public function testOperacaoMatematicaSomaNotEquals()
        $this->assertNotEquals(1, $this->calculadora->somar(2,2));

    public function testOperacaoMatematicaSubtrairEquals()
        $this->assertEquals(-1, $this->calculadora->subtrair(1,2));

    public function testOperacaoMatematicaSubtrairNotEquals()
        $this->assertNotEquals(1, $this->calculadora->subtrair(1,2));


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The test was developed in PHP version 7.0 and passed the 4 tests and the settings of Mock are correct.


  • had already tried with the "getMock", as here in the documentation : ! but without success. Regarding the second treatment the method "createMock" is being accused as undefined :/.

  • when performing the first way I get the following error message "__Construct() must be an instance of Application operation, instance of Mock_operacao_11020db9 Given"

  • Maybe @Davidsantos the error is higher than these two lines, if you have how to put the two classes in your question ???

  • the code is pretty crude, but it’s okay.

  • Your operation class has builder with parameter should be that I made an edit take a look?

  • then I made the change and the result was : Reflectionexception: Class Mock_operacao_d23b9f26 does not have a constructor, so you cannot pass any constructor Arguments

  • maybe it has something to do with the outdated version, I am using the 3.7, I will update!

  • @Davidsantos I wrote again the method is a little different the thing when it is with Mock!

  • made the changes as you posted, actually copied and pasted the code, but did not solve, posted a print

  • @Davidsantos I did the example, changed code you really copied in full? I think it is a punctual problem...

  • it just looked different my imports in the test class, but the rest I copied everything.

  • @Davidsantos the problem seems to me local!

  • 1

    is you were right, after redoing everything the test worked, thank you very much!

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