I use sublime text on Windows 10, keyboard (US) and I can’t put words with accents (e.g. ç, ã, (no != no)).?
I use sublime text on Windows 10, keyboard (US) and I can’t put words with accents (e.g. ç, ã, (no != no)).?
I have windows 10, 64 bits with keyboard (US) and I have the same problem, not only in sublime text, but in any other program. Even following this microsoft tutorial https://support.microsoft.com/pt-br/help/97738/using-us-int-l-keyboard-layout-to-type-accented-characters , I couldn’t make it work, what I do is have ABNT (POR-PTB) installed in the control panel and when I need to type these accents change for him and use the keyboard as if it were an ABNT, it’s boring, but I haven’t found another way yet. Another option is to use the virtual keyboard, which is also boring
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Only in the sublime Voce can not?
– David
In other programs can you accentuate? You opened this question on the same machine on which the sublime does not work right?
– Oralista de Sistemas