How do I search for a string in a table on Android?


Viewed 76 times


I want to search using the "Clas" field, which is a String. And listPsearch gets a String.

    public Cursor listPesquisar(String pesquisa) {
        Cursor cursor;
        String[] fields = new String[]{"_id", "nome", "peso", "altura", "cep", "telefone", "idade", "resultado", "clas"};

        String where = "clas =" + pesquisa;
        db = banco.getReadableDatabase();
        cursor = db.query(DadosDB.NOME_TABELA, fields, where,null, null, null, null, null);

        if (cursor != null) {
        return cursor;
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2 answers


If you go through the column nome, can do this way using the operator =:

cursor = db.query(DadosDB.NOME_TABELA, fields, "nome =?",
            new String[] {"nome"}, null, null, null, null);

But this case is if you look exactly at the value of string pesquisa. You can also use the LIKE. See this question about what difference between operator '=' and LIKE.

How you’re doing a column search clas, you can do it this way:

String where = "clas LIKE '%" + pesquisa + "%'";
cursor = db.query(DadosDB.NOME_TABELA, fields, where, null, null, null, null, null);

[...] the LIKE searches for "something like", ie content that has the text searched in a part of where (column(s)) you are looking for. In general use % symbol to indicate where it can have characters joker, where there can be anything else. Maniero


Modify the line that uses the "search" parameter in this way:

String where = "clas like '%" + pesquisa + "%'"; 

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