doubt Input type date


Viewed 3,083 times


Good afternoon, I am making a form, for registration and modification of users. When I try to insert a date in type="date" inputs, no data type is displayed on the screen. These dates I’m using all come from a json that already has them registered. Hold on to know some kind of solution for this ?

    <div layout="row" flex>
      <md-input-container flex>
        <label>Data de Adesao</label>
        <input type="date" name="adesao" ng-model="userSettings.userForm.adesaoUserForm ">
      <md-input-container flex>
        <label>Data Vencimento</label>
        <input type="date" name="vencimento" ng-model="userSettings.userForm.vencimentoUserForm  " >

1 answer


  • in the database the dates are recorded in this format : "2017-02-08T00:00:00.000Z"

  • Sorry buddy, I gave you the wrong pattern, the correct one is yyyy-mm-dd. Try it like this: <input type="date" name="bday" value="2017-06-12">

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