Empty ksoap object arrives on server


Viewed 32 times


My problem is similar the other previous question, but that there was no response marked as correct, only inspection suggestions.

I’m working on a web-based project. Everything is working but I am not able to communicate between the client and the server only for the methods of inclusion and alteration of a specific table (athlete). My inspection says the object comes out with valuables, but arrives at the empty WS. If anyone can give me some guidance, in advance grateful.

PrintScreen debug HttpTransportSE

Objeto recebido no servidor. Null

  • Every time someone calls the Stack Overflow forum, God kills a kitten. Please feel sorry for the kittens.

  • It would be useful to indicate which question you refer to a year and a half ago.

  • I’m not used, so the failures. follows below, of 26/03/2016 web service - Object sent by Android arriving Null on the server ...

  • You can post the xml that is being sent to the webservice?

  • Rodrigo, I am using ksoap2, which works with List<>, maybe a little similar to Json or xml do not know, I do not understand this subject as I would like. Below follows the object , extracted from the Bodyout debug, but comes empty, only in this table.athlete{athlete {id=247; name=YURI LIPATIN CHIESA changed; sex=M; CBDA=300764; dtNascimento=2004-12-29; phone=; RG=12.442.103-9; CPF=; [email protected]; namePai=Sergio; nameMae=Silvia; clubeId=1; titleClube=C 3957-2; colegio=18; tecnico=2; dtRegistro=12042017; status=1; search=Yuri lipatin Chiesa changed; }}

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