Problem Handling a list of Objects in jsp


Viewed 90 times


I’m having trouble handling a list that comes from my controller in my jsp I believe I’m not using the right way to treat and go through this list

follows my controller who creates the list.

@RequestMapping(value = "/show/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView viewPesquisar(@PathVariable("id") Long id, ModelMap model, HttpServletRequest request) {

    LOGGER.debug(" O id a ser consultado é {}", id);

    List<Ito> optional = itoService.findByIdFetchAll(id);

    if (optional.isEmpty()) {

        LOGGER.debug(" Não foi possivel localizar o Tipo com o Id:{}", id);

        throw new BusinessException("Não foi possivel Localizar o Tipo de Projeto");

    List<Ito> listaCompletaNomeItos = itoService.findByIdFetchAll(id);

    model.addAttribute("listaCompletaNomeItos", listaCompletaNomeItos);

and jsp where I should treat the list.


        listaNomeItosSpringArray = "${listaNomeItos}";
        listaNomeItosSpringArray = listaNomeItosSpringArray
                .replace("]", "");
        listaNomeItosSpringArray = listaNomeItosSpringArray
                .replace("[", "");
        listaNomeItos= listaNomeItosSpringArray.split(",");

                        function(k, v) {

            '<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12">'+
                 '<div class="card card-stats">'+
                     '<div class="card-header" data-background-color="green">'+
                        ' <i class="fa fa-hdd-o "></i>'+
                      '<div class="card-content">'+
                    '<p class="category">Empz</p>'+
                        '<h4 class="title">'+ v +'</h4>'+

                      '<div class="card-footer">'+
                      '<div class="stats">'+
                            '<i class="fa fa-file-text-o "Style="color: LightSeaGreen";></i> <a href="${uploadIto}"> Upload de Itos </a>'+

  • And what happens? And what do you expect? Please specify your problem.

  • so when I try to climb that way the list doesn’t go to my view

  • i need this list in order to create an element inside the view that has the name and id of the same object

  • can debug this js or view the result of: listName?

  • I can debug js but the result of the list is empty because it seems that the information does not subui

  • And when you debug this: model.addAttribute("listCompletaNomeItos", listCompletaNomeItos) results in the variable?

  • until then the information arrives the problem this up

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2 answers


Good staff thank you for the most help I managed to resolve using the foreach thank you very much


I see that in the controller your list receives the objects but in jsp it arrives empty. Check if you are calling the jstl taglib in jsp.

<%@taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

If jsp is missing the page will not be able to read the variable coming from the controller.

  • then João has this and others Aglibs on the page yes friend even so the error continues.

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