Send data to an Actionresult from a Controller other than the current one


Viewed 281 times


How to make a post sending data to a ActionResult of a Controller different from the current ? Example:

I have a link called lnkEnviarDados and I need to post on the page sending the contents of the variables when I click on this link.

@using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Pessoa", FormMethod.Post))
    <table class="grid">
                    <a href="#" class="lnkEnviarDados" name="downloaditem" id="downloaditem2" data-id_Atributo_1="6" data-id_Atributo_2="1" data-id_Atributo_3="2" target="_blank">
                        <span class="idSpan">Regular</span>

@section Scripts{
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {         
        $(document).on('click', '.lnkEnviarDados', function (e) {

            var _Atributo_1 = $(this).attr("data-Atributo_1");
            var _Atributo_2 = $(this).attr("data-Atributo_2");
            var _Atributo_3 = $(this).attr("data-Atributo_3");

            //Fazer um post deste controller para enviar os dados acima
            //para um outro Controller chamado "BaixarConta"


CONTROLLER Baixarconta

public ActionResult BaixarConta(int _Atributo_3, int _Atributo_2, int _Atributo_3)

  • Your Actionresult has the same name as your controller?

  • 1

    @James S does not have the same name, but I saw in his reply how to proceed, I will implement and then post here the result. Thank you!.

  • @Tiago S sending the data works perfectly, but the ActionResult returns a FileStreamResult that does not work example: Return new Filestreamresult(pdfStream, "application/pdf"); the fact of posting the page in this way influences the non-working of Return ?

  • Yes, totally, but that’s outside the scope of your question. Mark the answer as accepted and if possible an up vote :) and create a new question, for example how to download file via $.ajax()

2 answers


Just use @Url.Action()

The first parameter is action and the second the controler, that is to say,


Using $.ajax() would look like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {         
        $(document).on('click', '.lnkEnviarDados', function (e) {

            var _Atributo_1 = $(this).attr("data-Atributo_1");
            var _Atributo_2 = $(this).attr("data-Atributo_2");
            var _Atributo_3 = $(this).attr("data-Atributo_3");

                data:{_Atributo_1:_Atributo_1 ,_Atributo_2:_Atributo_2,_Atributo_3:_Atributo_3}
                      //TODO:Implemente as suas funções para atualizar a tela.



Using @Url.Action where

 @Url.Action("NomeDaView", "NomeDoController", new {Attributo1 = valor, atributo2 = valor2, atributo3 = valor3}

I saw that you created inside a form, you can send the whole form with your data through Submit also, just Action use the Formcollection thus

public ActionResult BaixarConta(FormCollection Form)
var teste = Form["Attr1"];

return RedirectToAction("Index") para retorna para a main page

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