What is the purpose of the RESTRICT, CASCADE, SET NULL and NO ACTION options?


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When creating a foreign key type relationship between two tables in Mysql, I can specify some additional options in the events ON UPDATE and ON DELETE that are associated with alteration and deletion of records.

The options are:


A practical illustration example using the option NO ACTION, see below:

CREATE TABLE `usuariorelsupermercado` (
    `idUsuario` INT(11) NOT NULL,
    `idSupermercado` INT(11) NOT NULL,
    INDEX `fk_usuario_rel` (`idUsuario`),
    INDEX `fk_supermercado_rel` (`idSupermercado`),
    CONSTRAINT `fk_supermercado_rel` FOREIGN KEY (`idSupermercado`) REFERENCES `supermercado` (`idSupermercado`) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION,
    CONSTRAINT `fk_usuario_rel` FOREIGN KEY (`idUsuario`) REFERENCES `usuario` (`idUsuario`) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION

I have some doubts about these options.


  • What is the purpose of each of these options?
  • What these options influence in my database?
  • Clarified your question ? mark as reply please. Thank you

  • 2

    I usually schedule after two days to give more time to other people to answer :)

  • Hmmmmm blz, I was even surprised by your score, usually the beginners who don’t score. But blz, good practice. Vlw

1 answer


These are options for foreign keys, trying to simplify to the maximum:

RESTRICT: Reject updating or deleting a record from the parent table if there are records in the child table.

CASCADE: Updates or deletes records from the child table automatically by updating or deleting a record from the parent table.

SET NULL: Sets null as the field value in the daughter table, when updating or deleting the record from the parent table.

IN ACTION: Equivalent to the RESTRICT.

There is still the SET DEFAULT: Sets the value of the column in the daughter table, as the value set as default for it, when deleting or updating a record in the parent table.

more information: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/create-table-foreign-keys.html

Examples: You have a City table and a Client table, Supposing:

 1|São Paulo

id|Nome  |Cidade_id

When updating / delete the registration of the city of sao paulo:

RESTRICT/NO ACTION: the bank will reject the command, returning a foreign key breach exception.

CASCADE: If you change the value of the City id column, the value of the Citade_id column in the Client table will also be changed. If São Paulo city is excluded, Customer 1, Fulano.

SET NULL: The value of the Cidade_id column of the records that are using the value 1, São Paulo, will be defined as null.

Complementing: What these options influence in my database?

Maintains the integrity of data.

  • In the case of RESTRICT/NO ACTION it prevents q i update all columns or only the column of the foreign key?

  • I believe only the column that is referenced in the foreign key

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