How to get database information without updating the page


Viewed 2,553 times


I have a system where he picks up information from the database. And this database is getting data directly, so I wanted to know how I took this data and show it on the page, but without this page being updated.

This system is in php.

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2 answers


You will need ajax for this, follow a minimalist example:

 url:'minha_pagina_acesso_banco.php', //sua página em php que retornará os dados
 type:'POST', // método post, GET ...
 data: 'param=1&param2=2', //seus paramêtros
 success: function(data){ // sucesso de retorno executar função
  $('#result').html(data); // adiciona o resultado na div #result

You can perform this function as per user action, in a time interval, when loading the page and etc.

For more information on the use of jQuery.ajax()


I recommend using GET in Jquery.


As you can see the code gets smaller, you can send and receive data like this.

same syntax for post, if you want to send forms, only the method is changed.


Check in

In order not to reload the information every time you make the request, store the last update date in a PHP session variable, this way you will be changed on the screen every time you make the request. echo only on the screen when the inclusion/change date is different.


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