Problem with wp_termmeta table


Viewed 101 times


The following error is permanently occurring, recorded in my error_log:

Error in Wordpress Table database

'odiletan_bd.wpTP737termmeta' doesn't exist na query SELECT term_id,
 meta_key, meta_value FROM wpTP737termmeta WHERE term_id IN
ORDER BY meta_id ASC feita por require('wp-blog-header.php'),
include('/themes/colornews-child/single.php'), get_header,
locate_template, load_template,
 require_once('/themes/colornews-child/header.php'), wp_nav_menu,
wp_get_nav_menu_items, get_terms, WP_Term_Query->query,
WP_Term_Query->get_terms, update_termmeta_cache, update_meta_cache

How should I proceed to create this table?

1 answer


You can do it manually from the command prompt, or download the Mysql Workbench Client from the website , it is all graphic, but you can also create it manually using the home screen it opens to run queries. Follow the command below:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `odiletan_bd`.`wpTP737termmeta` (
`id` INT(11) NOT NULL,

Remembering that then it is only creating the id field, you have to see which other fields to create them, maybe have more fields than what are in this query.

  • Thank you. However I went looking for the table and it is present with the fields: meta_id bigint(20): term_idÍndice bigint(20); meta_keyÍndice varchar(255) utf8mb4_unicode_ci; meta_value longtext utf8mb4_unicode_ci. What should I do since it keeps sending that msg to the log?

  • type of this table is 'myisam' or 'innodb'?

  • The storage engine is Myisam.

  • It may be corrupted, uses the syntax "CHECK TABLEodiletan_bd.wpTP737termmeta" and if it is using the syntax "REPAIR TABLEodiletan_bd.wpTP737termmeta"

  • How do I do it? : ( sorry, but I know almost nothing about comics

  • Windows start button, type prompt, open it and type the following command: 'mysql -u root -h localhost -p' press enter and enter the password of the database, type 'use odiletan_bd' press Enter , type 'REPAIR TABLE wpTP737termmeta' press Enter. All this without the quotes and remember to exchange root(for the database user), localhost(server where the BD is).

  • After all the tebela doesn’t exist, I was watching another comic and not in the main:( I really have to create it. :(

  • Glad you found the error!

  • Thank you for your support William Cézar

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