Error in dictionary key


Viewed 164 times


I am trying to store dictionaries in a list and then print according to the position in the list, however this giving an error in the key... Code below:

nome = "nomedahora"
cpf = "1421241"
departamento = "bsi"
dicProfessor = {nome: {"nome":nome, "cpf":cpf, "departamento":departamento}}
listaProfessores = []
for item in listaProfessores:


Traceback (Most recent call last): File "C:/Users/Student/Appdata/Local/Programs/Python/Python36/", line 18, in print(item[name]) Keyerror: 'namesake'

  • Make the dicProfessor.clear() call after you finish iterating the list and not before, doing before vc will remove its reference from the list.

1 answer


When you add a Dict to a list, you are only adding a reference, not a copy. For example:

>>> professor = {
>>>     'nome': 'Alan Turing'
>>> }
>>> print (professor)
{'nome': 'Alan Turing'}
>>> professores = [professor]
>>> print (professores)
[{'nome': 'Alan Turing'}]
>>> professor.clear()
>>> print (professores)

The moment you run the teacher.clear(), it cleans both the teacher variable and the teachers variable, because the content points to the same ICT. One solution is to insert a Dict copy into the vector instead of the reference. To do this, use the method copy() of Dict.

>>> professor = {
>>>     'nome': 'Alan Turing'
>>> }
>>> print (professor)
{'nome': 'Alan Turing'}
>>> # aqui fazemos uma copia, em vez de adicionar a referencia.
>>> professores = [professor.copy()]
>>> print (professores)
[{'nome': 'Alan Turing'}]
>>> professor.clear()
>>> print (professores)
[{'nome': 'Alan Turing'}]

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