View data format en dd/mm/yyyy


Viewed 1,937 times


Good afternoon! I’m using the plugin air-datepicker for dates.

When I click on the field, I see the format en dd/mm/yyyy.

Now, therefore, I want this date to be displayed in the same dd/mm/yyyy format when opening the modal window, as it is displayed in the yyyy-mm-dd format.

Remembering that I’m using ajax.

Under Ajax

function editar_lancamento(id)
metodo_salvar = 'update';
$('#form')[0].reset(); // Redefinir o formulário em modals
$('.form-group').removeClass('has-error'); // Apagar class de erro
$('.help-block').empty(); // clear error string

//Ajax - Carregar dados do ajax
    url : "lancamento/lancamento_obter_por_id/" + id,
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "JSON",
    success: function( tbl_lancamento )
		var tipo = $('#tipo').val();
		if(tipo == '1'){
			$('#modal_lancamento').modal('show'); // Abrir bootstrap modal quando completo carregado
		    $('.modal-title').html('<i class="fa fa-plus "></i> Editar Receita'); //Definir título e icone para o título modal Bootstrap
			$(".modal-header").css('background-color', '#00A65A');
			$('#lbl_recebido').text('Recebido ?');
		} else {		
			$('#modal_lancamento').modal('show'); // Abrir bootstrap modal quando completo carregado
		    $('.modal-title').html('<i class="fa fa-plus "></i> Editar Despesa'); //Definir título e icone para o título modal Bootstrap
			$(".modal-header").css('background-color', '#E9573F');
			$("#lbl_recebido").text('Pago ?');
    error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
        alert('Erro para obter dados ajax');
		console.log('Erro para obter dados ajax')	;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 2

    Dude, have you ever heard of bilbioteca Moment.js? ( , it can be a paleactive solution to your problem, besides facilitating the manipulation of dates Voce can display it in several formats one of them being the standard that Voce wants. Moment(). format('L'); // 07/06/2017

  • Right, but without Moment.js, you have some suggestions?

  • var dateStr = '2017/06/07'; var dateSplit = dateStr.split("/"); var dateFormated = dateSplit[2] + "/" + dateSplit[1] + "/" + dateSplit[0]; console.log(dateFormated);

  • @Meajudasilvio, it worked!!! Put as answer that I evaluate! Thanks

4 answers


//exemplo: tbl_lancamento.dt_vencimento.split('-').reverse().join("/"); 
var brDate = '2017-06-08'.split('-').reverse().join("/");


A more manly possibility would be this:

var dateStr = '2017/06/07'; 
var dateSplit = dateStr.split("/");
var dateFormated = dateSplit[2] + "/" + dateSplit[1] + "/" + dateSplit[0]; 


You need to change the date format, there are several ways to do, below is a simple example.

Change that :


for :

 var spDate = tbl_lancamento.dt_vencimento.split('-');
  • see error Uncaught ReferenceError: editar_lancamento is not defined&#xA; at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick (lancamento:1)


Solved with Meajudasilvio’s answer

var dateStr = tbl_lancamento.dt_vencimento;
var dateSplit = dateStr.split("-");
var dateFormated = dateSplit[2] + "/" + dateSplit[1] + "/" + dateSplit[0];

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