Value conversion


Viewed 92 times


I need the string "hql" that would be my select to convert to int so I can compare values in an if.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using BlogWeb.ViewsModels;
using BlogWeb.DAO;
using BlogWeb.Models;
using BlogWeb.Filters;
using BlogWeb.Controllers;
using NHibernate;
using BlogWeb.Infra;

namespace BlogWeb.Controllers
    public class GerenciamentoKM
        private Rota p;
        private ISession session;
        public GerenciamentoKM(ISession session, Rota p, RotaDAO dao)
            this.p = p;
            this.session = session;
        public void soma(Rota post)
            string hql = "SELECT p.Km_Atual FROM Rota WHERE p.Km_Atual as LAST_INSERT_ID(Km_Atual)";
            int km_t = Convert.ToInt16(hql);
            if (km_t <= p.Km_Atual)
                    ITransaction tx = session.BeginTransaction();

This does not work, I tried later running the query before

public void soma(Rota post)
        string hql = "SELECT p.Km_Atual FROM Rota WHERE p.Km_Atual as LAST_INSERT_ID(Km_Atual)";
        IQuery query = session.CreateQuery(hql);
        int km_t = Convert.ToInt16(hql);
        if (km_t <= p.Km_Atual)
                ITransaction tx = session.BeginTransaction();


That way it didn’t work either, so I also tried to start her from the outside and pull to the public.

public IList<Rota> Lista()
        string hql = "SELECT p.Km_Atual FROM Rota WHERE p.Km_Atual as LAST_INSERT_ID(Km_Atual)";
        IQuery query = session.CreateQuery(hql);
        return query.List<Rota>();
public void soma(Rota post)
        string hql = "SELECT p.Km_Atual FROM Rota WHERE p.Km_Atual as LAST_INSERT_ID(Km_Atual)";
        if (Lista <= p.Km_Atual)
                ITransaction tx = session.BeginTransaction();

  • Wouldn’t you have to run the query first? And then convert the result?

  • I tried to run with the query but still, it does not convert to integer.

  • You need to run the query before trying to do anything. Your current code is trying to convert the string "SELECT p.Km_Atual ...". Understands?

  • I tried to run the query before trying to convert the data but now it informs that it is part of a group of methods, and if I try to put in the same public void, the void will not stop using the query’s Return.

  • @Guilhermepadovam You can’t understand what you’re talking about. Please try to be clearer. Give more details, [Dit] the question may help.

  • I changed the question to show what I tried to do to run this code.

  • When I try to update for information exchange, this error appears: System.Formatexception was not manipulated by user code Hresult=-2146233033 Message=The input character string was not in a correct format.

  • About your tests as some have already said you should run the query first and then get the result and convert. Check the hints on this link.

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2 answers


Try this way:

string hql = "SELECT p.Km_Atual FROM Rota WHERE p.Km_Atual as LAST_INSERT_ID(Km_Atual)";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(hql, conn); //conn é a string da conexão.
km_t = (Int32)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
  • I tried to test, the problem that the connection class that would be "Conn" cannot be imported into class and it is under another name that would be Web.config


Use the "top 1" parameter, so your SQL statement will return a single value and not a list of values:

        SELECT top 1 p.Km_Atual FROM Rota WHERE p.Km_Atual as LAST_INSERT_ID(Km_Atual)  

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