How to clone the repository and all the arms of the remote?


Viewed 621 times


I would like to know how to automatically clone all the remote arms to the location, without having to be doing the command below for each.

git checkout -b <branch> <remote>/<branch>

That’s a lot of arms to be able to do it one by one.

3 answers


I suggest creating the alias below, which performs the checkout for all remote branches. The name of each branch in place will be equal to the remote branch.

git config --global alias.clone-branches '! git branch -a | sed -n "/\/HEAD /d; /\/master$/d; /remotes/p;" | xargs -L1 git checkout -t'

Created the alias, just run it like this:

git clone-branches
  • 1

    This will be very useful to me. Sometimes the mirror repository conflicts with the remote I use for development

  • 1

    I just went through it, Jefferson! So I decided to ask this question and answer!


Another way to execute would be by using the command git ls-remote

This command lists the references of the remote repository, for example:

git ls-remote --heads origin

The return will be the list of remots of the current repository.

Using a simple command line in Powershell you can download the branchs:

git ls-remote --heads origin | % { $_ -match 'refs/heads/(.*)' | out-null; $matches[1] } | % { git checkout $_ }

If you want to know the details read the post.


git clone <repo> and then a git fetch origin (or any name you have given). So your site has all branchs from the remote.

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    I gave a solution to his problem, that’s an answer, no?

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    I changed the answer to keep only the answer. I understand now.

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    It was worth the downside because of that?

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