Format Field C#


Viewed 1,314 times


I know the 'N' and 'C' formatting of C#, but they do not suit me.

I get 1000 database and would like you to format to 1.000.

What I put in the


3 answers


Only use the formatting n, followed by the number of decimals.

You can see all the possibilities in custom numeric format string in MSDN.

Using the .ToString() even so:


Note that the format will be sensitive to the application culture. So it may be interesting to define a specific culture.

Note that the class CultureInfo is in namespace System.Globalization, probably need to include it in the code (using System.Globalization).

numero.ToString("n0", new CultureInfo("pt-BR"));

If you are using C# 6, you can use it like this


If you have a previous version

string.Format("{0:n0}", numero);


See working on . NET Fiddle.

using System.Globalization;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        int numero = 50000;

        // Com string interpolation (C# 6)

        // Com string.Format
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0:n0}", numero));
        // -- Definindo a cultura
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format(new CultureInfo("pt-BR"), "{0:n0}", numero));

        // Com ToString()
        // -- Definindo a cultura
        Console.WriteLine(numero.ToString("n0", new CultureInfo("pt-BR")));


You can use it like this:

1000.ToString("0,0",new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(("pt-BR")));

In this case you need to pass the instance of CultureInfo of en-BR for it to format in the Brazilian standard, otherwise it formats in the American standard


You can use the following:

   int retorno = Convert.ToInt32("1000");
   string.Format("{0:0,0}", retorno);

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