Publish Asp.NET MVC website?


Viewed 290 times


I developed a site in ASP.NET MVC and now I want to publish it on my provider using FTP.

I’ve done all the FTP configuration on Publish of the 2013 VS I’m using. When do I publish the Controllers, Enums and others are not sent to the provider and including the folder App_start.

I did the test and published in Ffilesystem_ and also these folders are not created. The only folders that are sent to the provider are: bin, Content, fonts, Imagery, Scripts and Views.

My question is: why these other folders are not sent to the provider by FTP?

1 answer


Because files contained in these folders are not required for the application to run.

In these folders there are the files you develop in C# (VB.NET or other supported language), these files will be compiled to a DLL and it is only from this DLL that the IIS needs to run the application.

DLL’s are all in the folder bin, both the DLL’s for your code, and the DLL’s for project dependencies.

See more about this:

  • great explanation, thank you.

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