How to print a list in Java?


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Guys I am studying the POO discipline in Java, I the teacher spent a content there that did not give time to write the code. Then I’ve got one hell of a question! I have 3 classes in java. Salaaula, Pessoa and Professor.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class SalaAula {
    private String nomeAluno;
    private int idadeAluno;
    private float pesoAluno;
    private float alturaAluno;
    private int matriculaAluno;

    SalaAula() {

        System.out.println("Seja bem vindo\n\n ");
        Scanner entrada = new Scanner(;

        Professor professor = new Professor("Anderson", 32, 1.75f, 110f, 1010220, "Mestre");

        System.out.println("Qual seu nome? ");
        nomeAluno =;
        System.out.println("Qual a sua idade? ");
        idadeAluno = entrada.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Qual o seu peso? ");
        pesoAluno = entrada.nextFloat();
        System.out.println("Qual a sua altura?");
        alturaAluno = entrada.nextFloat();
        System.out.println("Qual a sua matrícula?");
        matriculaAluno = entrada.nextInt();

        //Pessoa pessoa = new Pessoa(nome, idade, peso, altura, peso, matricula);
        System.out.println(new Professor());
        System.out.println(nomeAluno + "\t" + idadeAluno + " anos\t" + alturaAluno + "\t" + pesoAluno + "\t" + matriculaAluno);


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SalaAula principal = new SalaAula();



class Pessoa {
    private int idade;
    private String nome;
    private float altura;
    private float peso;
    private int matricula;

    Pessoa() {


    Pessoa(String nome, int idade, float altura, float peso, int matricula) {
        this.idade = idade;
        this.nome = nome;
        this.altura = altura;
        this.peso = peso;
        this.matricula = matricula;

    public String getNome() {
        return this.nome;

    public void setAltura(float altura) {
        this.altura = altura;

    public void setPeso(float peso) {
        this.peso = peso;

    public void setIdade(int idade) {
        this.idade = idade;

    public void setNome(String nome) {
        this.nome = nome;

    public int getIdade() {
        return this.idade;

    public float getAltura() {
        return this.altura;

    public float getPeso() {
        return this.peso;
    public void setMatricula(int matricula) {
        this.matricula = matricula;
    public int getMatricula() {
        return this.matricula;


public class Professor extends Pessoa {
    String nivelSuperior;
    Professor() {

    Professor(String nome, int idade, float altura, float peso, int matricula, String nivel) {


        this.nivelSuperior = nivel;
    public String getNivel() {
        return this.nivelSuperior;
    public void setNivel(String nivel) {
        this.nivelSuperior = nivel;

So here’s the deal! It’s to return the teacher’s information:

Professor professor = new Professor("Anderson", 32, 1.75f, 110f, 1010220, "Mestre");

And the student information, which in this case will be entered by the user.

My question is: How do I print teacher information + student information?

I’m cracking my head with this... I know it’s simple, but I’m Noob, so come on over here kkkkk

Thank you.

  • But select the list? I haven’t seen arraylist or array in any of the classes.

  • It’s all I have... That’s why I wanted help to make him return these values.

  • I think I put the wrong word in the question.... The list that is to print is only: <pre> Teacher = new Teacher("Anderson", 32, 1.75f, 110f, 1010220, "Master");</pre> and input information.

1 answer


Do toString() method @override in the Teacher class where you would return the attributes of this and then print. This way

Professor Class

public String toString(){
    return "Nome:" + nome + " Idade:" + idade+ " Altura:" + altura + " Peso:"+  peso +"Matricula:" + matricula+" Nivel:"+nivel;


 Professor professor = new Professor("Anderson", 32, 1.75f, 110f, 1010220, "Mestre");
  • It worked! Vlw! I had seen and had forgotten about the like, it was bad there. But it worked really.

  • The teacher had made: System.out.println(professor.getNome()+"\t"+professor.getIdade()+"\t"+professor.getPeso()+"\t"+professor.getAltura()+"\t"+professor.getMatricula()+"\t\t"+professor.getNivel());

  • But then he said my method is faster.

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