Index site page as topics in google


Viewed 152 times


Hello, I would like to know how to optimize the links of the site so that it is displayed by topics as in the image? inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

How can I apply to SEO site development Not the name of this technique, it looks like it’s onebox or something similar

please help me!

  • Do you use google Analytics? I put google Analytics on a website and divided the initial page into <article> and <Section> and it worked appears on google as the image.

  • I still don’t use, could give me a north or some tutorial to start rsrs


1 answer


The name of this is "sitelinks".

Who determines what and how will be displayed on the google result page is the mechanism itself. You cannot determine which links should appear. You can just ask for the removal of a link or other, or all.

In order for the google engine to find the links and determine what is most relevant, obviously the site must have good semantics according to the SEO recommendations.

Example, categories should be within tags ul li

<li>foo 1</li>
<li>foo 2</li>
<li>foo 3</li>

There is not much secret, just follow the recommended standards as:

  • Avoid poor content, for example pages with little content.
  • Have a main menu with the most important links on the site.
  • Avoid duplicate content. Here you should pay close attention to canonical links (it’s another subject).
  • Submission of the Sitemaps
  • Breadcumb
  • Relevant number of accesses.
  • Clear description on the page.

Among other several points.

The most important is probably the number of accesses. Even a bad site with bad semantics, however, with many accesses, the sitelink is activated by google.

The most difficult point is to get a good and constant amount of access and the rest are mere details that facilitate the search engine to interpret the pages.

First build a site with good content and good semantics that the rest will appear "automatically".

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