PHP put a carinha.jpeg symbol inside a <select> and record the selected.jpeg face in the mysql database field and display in the client


Viewed 48 times


I have a table that generates 5 columns, I wanted to put inside a TD a select and inside the Select put 5 default images ( type emojis of Whats but in jpeg ) indicating the presence / status of the person. I just don’t know where to begin. The table in the comic book I’ve done, it’s called clients and I want to insert this image in the in-person field, and the TD I want to include is called presenca. This to do an UPDATE in the clients table.

                                <th>Codigo Paciente</th>                                
        <td align "center" ><?php echo $rows_cursos['hora'];?></td>
        <td><?php echo $rows_cursos['codigo_dentista'];?></td>
        <td align "center" ><?php echo $rows_cursos['codigo_paciente']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $rows_cursos['nome'];?></td>
        <td><?php echo $rows_cursos['plano'];?></td>                                        
        <td><?php echo $rows_cursos['celular'];?></td>                                  
        <td><?php echo $rows_cursos['presenca'];?></td>... 
  • Can be in HTML as well

  • Other than using the utf8mb4 in its database it is also necessary to save yours . php as "utf-8 no good" and adjust the connection, besides adding the header with charset, see more details at:

  • Thank you William, actually the page ( only for internal consultations ) already works just required to enter the emojis in status. So I need Insert to put the emojis and the view that they appear to the user, updating every 10 minutes.

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