Retrieve Jquery value in PHP


Viewed 56 times


I have a popup that geolocates the customer and generates a cookie, which will be used for various purposes on the site.

Everything is working, the only thing I could not understand is that if I put to load on the site, the script works and later.

In the end, I can recover the values in PHP.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <meta name="description" content="">
    <meta name="author" content="">

    <title>SB Admin 2 - Bootstrap Admin Theme</title>

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> 

    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-cookie-master/src/jquery.cookie.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $().ready(function($) {         
                    if(navigator.geolocation) {
                        navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
                            var adress = position.coords.latitude + "," + position.coords.longitude;
                            var urlToGet = '' + adress + '&sensor=false';

                            var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();                        

                            ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
                                if (ajax.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) {
                                    if (ajax.status == 200) {

                                        var enderecos = JSON.parse(ajax.responseText);                      
                                        var cidade = enderecos['results'][0]['address_components'][3]['long_name'];
                                        var estado = enderecos['results'][0]['address_components'][5]['short_name'];
                                        var cidade_estado = cidade + " - " + estado;
                                        $.cookie('cookie_cidade_estado', cidade_estado, { expires: 1 });

                  'GET', urlToGet, true);

                    }  else {
                        //document.getElementById('google_canvas').innerHTML = 'No Geolocation Support.';
                            title: "Oops...",
                            text: "A geolocalização não é suportada pelo seu navegador",
                            type: "error",
                            confirmButtonColor: "#00bae1"

                    var cookie_akiachei = $.cookie('cookie_cidade_estado');

                    if (cookie_akiachei === undefined || cookie_akiachei === null) {
                        var cookie_akiachei_chk = '';
                        var cidade_pre = '';
                        var cidade_pos = '';            
                        var cookie_akiachei_chk = cookie_akiachei;
                        var arr = cookie_akiachei_chk.split(' - ');
                        var cidade_pre = arr[0];
                        var cidade_pos = arr[1];            
    <div id="google_canvas"></div>

        echo $cookie_akiachei_php = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" >document.write(cidade_pos)</script>"; 

    <a href="#" class="teste">teste</a>

When I do this with the Jquery click event, I can’t recover PHP values.

  • Why is there jQuery(document).ready() within the event click, which in turn is inside a $().ready()? It makes no sense, it seems that you are writing random codes without even trying to understand what it does.

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