Broken page when debugging in Chrome


Viewed 82 times


When I do the debug of a project ASP.NET MVC in the Visual Studio directing to the browser Chrome, it already opens the broken page:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

This only happens when the browser is closed. When it already has an open tab, it works perfectly. Why it happens?

  • Set better "broken page", please. In the image only the content does not appear. Does this generate any error on the server side or just the browser that is unable to load the page? In console appears something? And the page source code?

  • So. The browser stops working basically. No error on the server side. In the browser open your instance and open my page, if there is already an open page, everything works perfectly. You can’t open the console, it simply won’t open. I can’t see the source code either.

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