I’m looking to develop a website without page reload but changes the page url so that search robots like google can find the pages of my site more easily than with ajax. As for example this: Ondasul FM.
I know this process can be done with Javascript. Also with the plugin History js..
Someone would know how to do that?
See https://answall.com/questions/6626/como-crea-um-site-sem-reloade-a-cada-clique-num-link?rq=1
– mercador
You actually need to use AJAX : see https://answall.com/questions/4450/browse%C3%A7%C3%A3o-sem-refresh
– Jerfeson Guerreiro
You will actually need to use ajax to do this follow some links https://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_ref_ajax.asp https://answall.com/questions/4450/browse%C3%A7%C3%A3o-sem-refresh
– Jerfeson Guerreiro