How to access data from a subArray with Javascript


Viewed 248 times


I need to access the data of a subarray via javascript, I can currently access the content of the entire array:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

What I need to take on the case is codigoImpressora that is inside the subarray impressoraPedido but I’m not finding anything to help me with that.

Contents of the Array:

"setorinstalacao":"Depósito peças"},
"nomeSuprimento":"TONER LEXMARK T644",

1 answer


It is only access in the hierarchy that the data meet.

Realize that itensPedido is a array, inside it has an object impressoraPedido and within this object is that you have what you need.

var obj = {  
            "setorinstalacao":"Depósito peças"
            "nomeSuprimento":"TONER LEXMARK T644",


// Ou, se tiver mais de um item no array

for(let itemPedido of obj.itensPedido) {

  • This helped me in a way, but how can I do, for example when I have two lines, as I put in the image, in the example you gave worked correctly when you have a line but when you have two or more how I will be able to catch the object "password" respective of each row?

  • You commented right at the time I was editing, rs. Just look at the end of the answer.

  • He brought number 2 twice for what reason? Another thing, as I will have to display in the second dropdown only the respective content to the first dorpdown selected, as I could add each return of my check to a variable?

  • He showed it twice because he has two console.log - are two examples. I did not understand the second question, it is not the case of create a new question?

  • can be, thanks for the help so far :)

  • I have created a new question to try to explain my need to you now:

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